Datenschutzerklärung & Haftungsausschluss
Das Roxanich Winery & Design Hotel respektiert Ihre Privatsphäre und wird geeignete Schritte unternehmen, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre persönlichen Daten jederzeit sicher sind. Wir garantieren, dass Ihre Daten mit größter Sorgfalt behandelt werden. Wir verkaufen, vermieten, verleihen, handeln oder leasen keine persönlichen und/oder Kontaktinformationen, die auf unserer Buchungsseite gesammelt werden.
Das Roxanich Winery & Design Hotel gibt die Identität unserer Kunden nicht preis. Wir können Ihre personenbezogenen Daten jedoch offenlegen, wenn wir entweder Ihre ausdrückliche Zustimmung eingeholt haben oder auf behördliche Ermittlungen / Anfragen von Behörden antworten müssen.
Wir analysieren ständig unsere Website-Logs, um die Dienste und Informationen zu verbessern. Diese Protokolle enthalten keine Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten und können nicht mit der individuellen Identität der Besucher in Verbindung gebracht werden.
Cookies sind kleine Datendateien, die einige Websites beim Besuch auf Ihre Festplatte schreiben. Ein Cookie kann weder Daten von Ihrer Festplatte lesen noch Cookie-Dateien von anderen Sites lesen. Wir verwenden von Zeit zu Zeit Cookies, um die von Ihnen besuchten Seiten aufzuzeichnen und so Ihre Verkehrsmuster zu verstehen. Dies verbessert die Kommunikation zwischen unseren Servern und Ihrem Computer. Wenn Sie Ihren Browser so eingestellt haben, dass er Sie warnt, bevor Sie Cookies akzeptieren, erhalten Sie eine Warnmeldung. Sie können die Cookies jederzeit blockieren.
IP-Adressen sind für jeden Computer eindeutig und werden verwendet, um Sender und Empfänger von Informationen über das Internet zu identifizieren. Das Weingut & Heritage Hotel Roxanich verwendet die IP-Adresse Ihres Computers, um die aggregierten Informationen in unserem Buchungssystem zu melden. So sorgen wir für sicheren Zahlungsverkehr und Betrugsschutz. Wir geben niemals die personenbezogenen Daten unserer Kunden außerhalb des Buchungssystems heraus.
Wir verwenden Thawte für unser digitales Zertifikat und eine sichere SSL-Verbindung mit 128-Bit-Datenverschlüsselung, um ein Höchstmaß an Sicherheit für alle Ihre persönlichen Daten und Kreditkarteninformationen zu gewährleisten.
Das Roxanich Winery & Design Hotel behält sich das Recht vor, alle Informationen in diesem Dokument zu ändern und wird die überarbeitete Version auf dieser Website veröffentlichen.
Das Roxanich Winery & Design Hotel respektiert Ihre Privatsphäre und wird geeignete Schritte unternehmen, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre persönlichen Daten jederzeit sicher sind. Wir garantieren, dass Ihre Daten mit größter Sorgfalt behandelt werden. Wir verkaufen, vermieten, verleihen, handeln oder leasen keine persönlichen und/oder Kontaktinformationen, die auf unserer Buchungsseite gesammelt werden.
Das Roxanich Winery & Design Hotel gibt die Identität unserer Kunden nicht preis. Wir können Ihre personenbezogenen Daten jedoch offenlegen, wenn wir entweder Ihre ausdrückliche Zustimmung eingeholt haben oder auf behördliche Ermittlungen / Anfragen von Behörden antworten müssen.
Wir analysieren ständig unsere Website-Logs, um die Dienste und Informationen zu verbessern. Diese Protokolle enthalten keine Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten und können nicht mit der individuellen Identität der Besucher in Verbindung gebracht werden.
Cookies sind kleine Datendateien, die einige Websites beim Besuch auf Ihre Festplatte schreiben. Ein Cookie kann weder Daten von Ihrer Festplatte lesen noch Cookie-Dateien von anderen Sites lesen. Wir verwenden von Zeit zu Zeit Cookies, um die von Ihnen besuchten Seiten aufzuzeichnen und so Ihre Verkehrsmuster zu verstehen. Dies verbessert die Kommunikation zwischen unseren Servern und Ihrem Computer. Wenn Sie Ihren Browser so eingestellt haben, dass er Sie warnt, bevor Sie Cookies akzeptieren, erhalten Sie eine Warnmeldung. Sie können die Cookies jederzeit blockieren.
IP-Adressen sind für jeden Computer eindeutig und werden verwendet, um Sender und Empfänger von Informationen über das Internet zu identifizieren. Das Weingut & Heritage Hotel Roxanich verwendet die IP-Adresse Ihres Computers, um die aggregierten Informationen in unserem Buchungssystem zu melden. So sorgen wir für sicheren Zahlungsverkehr und Betrugsschutz. Wir geben niemals die personenbezogenen Daten unserer Kunden außerhalb des Buchungssystems heraus.
Wir verwenden Thawte für unser digitales Zertifikat und eine sichere SSL-Verbindung mit 128-Bit-Datenverschlüsselung, um ein Höchstmaß an Sicherheit für alle Ihre persönlichen Daten und Kreditkarteninformationen zu gewährleisten.
Das Roxanich Winery & Design Hotel behält sich das Recht vor, alle Informationen in diesem Dokument zu ändern und wird die überarbeitete Version auf dieser Website veröffentlichen.
Types of personal data to be collected
Personal data collected through the purchase form on the ROXANICH website and the ROXANICH web shop for the purpose of concluding and executing a purchase agreement between the User and the Service Seller are:
Name and surname,
Date of birth,
Tax ID number,
E-mail address,
Phone number,
Address, city, zip code and country for issuing invoices,
Address, city, zip code and country for product delivery.
Personal data collected through the registration form on the ROXANICH website and ROXANICH web shop (ROXANICH membership) for the purpose of registration and exercising the rights and obligations of the Registered Users are:
Name and surname,
Date of birth,
Tax ID number,
E-mail address,
Phone number,
Address, city, zip code and country of the User.
Personal data collected through the contact form on the ROXANICH website and the ROXANICH web shop for the purpose of responding to User inquiries are:
Name and surname,
E-mail address,
Phone number.
On the ROXANICH website and the ROXANICH web shop, the User and the Service Provider can communicate through a separate chat window. The personal data of the User collected for the purpose of communication via chat are:
Name and surname,
E-mail address,
Phone number.
The personal data collected through the form on the ROXANICH website and the ROXANICH web shop for the purpose of the newsletter are:
Name and surname,
E-mail address,
Date of birth.
Personal data collected through the form on the ROXANICH website and the ROXANICH web shop for the purpose of registering for events organized by the Service Provider:
Name and surname,
E-mail address,
Date of birth.
Data that is automatically collected
On the ROXANICH website and the ROXANICH web shop, information is automatically collected from server log files, such as the User's IP address, browser type, redirection pages, operating system, date and time of access to the site
and information on the User's location in terms of country and city.
This information is collected for the purpose of managing and maintaining the ROXANICH website and the ROXANICH web shop. The information in question is also used to analyse trends and the movement of users. IP addresses are not related to the User's personal data that would allow the identification of an individual.
ROXANICH website cookies
The ROXANICH website and the ROXANICH web shop may collect cookies from Users in order to improve the services. Cookies are small files that are collected during the use of the website for the purpose of increasing the functionality of the website and optimizing the user experience. These are used to remember the activities and settings of the User when using the web shop so that they can be automatically applied when the User visits the ROXANICH website and/or the ROXANICH web shop again.
The user is free to make a decision on allowing or blocking the use of cookies on the ROXANICH website and/or the ROXANICH web shop. It is necessary to point out that if the User does not allow the use of cookies, it is possible that such action will result in the unavailability of certain options and settings of the ROXANICH website and ROXANICH web shop to the User and that the website or web shop will not function optimally.
Cookies will not be collected before the User has given their consent for their data or cookies to be collected.
First party or service provider cookies used for the necessary functioning of the ROXANICH website and the ROXANICH web shop via the website are:
Third-party cookies
Google Analytics is used to monitor and analyze the traffic of the ROXANICH website and the ROXANICH web shop. This tool provides an insight into the data of the Users of the site, for example, demographic data, how the Users reached the ROXANICH website and the ROXANICH web shop, which pages the User visited, how long they stayed on the ROXANICH website and the ROXANICH web shop and what content they viewed the most. Additional information about this service can be found at the following links: Privacy Policy – Privacy & Terms – Google and Terms of Service | Google Analytics – Google. The service is owned by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California, United States, which is a holding company of Alphabet Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California, United States.
The user may object to the collection and processing of personal data generated by Google Analytics, in connection with the use of the ROXANICH website and the ROXANICH web shop, by downloading and installing the web browser plugin located at the following link: Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on Download Page.
The ROXANICH website and the ROXANICH web shop also contain cookies. They are owned by Google and serve to improve advertising services and track the number of times an ad has been seen.
The ROXANICH website and the ROXANICH web shop also use the analytical tool Facebook Pixel. This tool is used to monitor Users who have come to the ROXANICH website via the Service Provider's Facebook page and collects data on this, which is used to improve the Service Provider's website and services. It is owned by Meta Platforms Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, California, United States of America. The user can disable the Facebook Pixel tool by turning off the associated cookies on their web browser.
The ROXANICH website and ROXANICH webshop also use the Google Tag Manager tool to manage tags and JavaScript snipetts. Tag is a snippet of code that sends data intended for traffic analysis and advertising optimization to a third party, and in this case sends them to Google Analytics and Facebook (Google Analytics Tag and Facebook Pixel Code).
The ROXANICH website uses the Instagram Feed application for the purpose of connecting the ROXANICH website and the Service Provider's Instagram page. With the specified application, the content is shared between the specified pages.
Cookie settings can be edited in the settings of the ROXANICH web shop website. The use of cookies can be additionally arranged in such a way that the User can adjust the settings of their web browser through which they can accept or block some or all cookies. The user also has the option of deleting previously set and saved cookies.
Overview of cookies that can be collected on the ROXANICH website:
Rights of the Users of the ROXANICH website and the ROXANICH web shop
The user of the ROXANICH website and the ROXANICH web shop has the right to exercise the following rights:
Right to be informed about the collection and processing of personal data,
Right to access personal data,
Right to rectification of personal data,
Right to erasure of personal data,
Right to restriction of data processing,
Right to portability of personal data,
Right to withdraw consent,
Right to object.
The user has the right to access their personal data stored on the ROXANICH website and the ROXANICH web shop and has the right to modify and correct them. The User may at any time obtain information on what data the Service Provider has stored by sending an inquiry to the below e-mail address of the Service Provider.
The User has the right to request the deletion of the collected personal data by sending a request to the below e-mail address of the Service Provider. The User's data will be deleted without delay, unless there is a legal obligation to keep the data in question.
The User has the right to obtain a restriction of data processing from the Service Provider, if the prescribed conditions for such a request are met.
The user has the right to request and receive personal data relating to them, which they have assigned to the Service Provider, and to transfer them to another controller.
The User has the right at any time to inform the Service Provider that they withdraw the consent given for the processing of personal data for certain purposes by sending a statement to the e-mail address below. Upon receipt of the said statement, the Service Provider shall cease the processing of personal data processed on the basis of the User's consent, which has been withdrawn.
In the event that the User considers that their rights to the protection of personal data have been violated, along with sending a complaint to the Service Provider to the below e-mail address, the User has the right to file a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Agency at any time.
In order to exercise the above rights, the User may contact the Service Provider by e-mail at or by post to the recipient ROXANICH d.o.o., Kanal 30, 52424 Motovun, Republic of Croatia.
Security of personal data of Users
The Service Provider shall take all appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect the User's personal data against unauthorised or unlawful treatment. The ROXANICH website and the ROXANICH web shop are protected by a security protocol.
The credit card payment service on the ROXANICH website of the ROXANICH web shop is ensured by the use of the Web Secure Payment Gateway (WSPay).
All collected personal data of the User shall be deleted after the termination of the purpose for which they were collected or the withdrawal of consent by the User if it is data collected on the basis of consent or after the expiry of the prescribed deadline for data storage.
Amendment to the Privacy Statement
The Privacy Statement may be amended at any time by the Service Provider by posting the amended Privacy Statement on the ROXANICH website and the ROXANICH web shop. Users are instructed to periodically review the Privacy Statement for the possibility of making changes to it, and the Service Provider will clearly indicate any changes that have occurred in relation to the previous version. The amendment of the Privacy Statement shall enter into force on the day of its publication on the ROXANICH website and/or the ROXANICH web shop.